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Megabass Shoreluck SL-510ULSMegabass Shoreluck SL-510ULS

Shoreluck SL-510ULS

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Verfügbarkeit: Vorrätig

Hersteller: MEGABASS
359,95 CHF
Megabass Shoreluck SL-510ULS

Megabass Shoreluck SL-510ULS

Handmade by master artisans at the Megabass rod factory, this model has a super fine carbon solid tip, designed especially for “ajing” (aji fishing), demonstrating aggressive hook-up action that renders other ajing rods obsolete. Tapered to allow for smooth transition The result is a combo of easy casting and sensitive responsivity that defies common perceptions of solid tip rods. The incredible sensitivity ensures an instant response from Combining the refined modern specs seen in all Shoreluck models with traditional Japanese aesthetics, this next generation sensitive shaft delivers even when the fish are reluctant to bite.An ajing rod set to outperform any model in its class.

ModelLengthWeightActionLureLine Sec.Closed Length
SL-510ULS 5'10" / 178cm 83g Ex. Fast MAX 5g PE MAX 0.6   2 92cm
SL-72LS 7'2" / 218cm 101g Fast MAX 10g PE MAX 0.8   2 113cm
  • 7'6" / 228cm
102g Regular MAX 12g PE MAX 1.0   2 118cm
SL-75MLS 7'5" / 226cm 107g  Regular  MAX 14g PE MAX 1.2   2 117cm 
SL-82MLS 8'2" / 249cm 115g M - Fast  MAX 16g  PE MAX 1.2   2 128cm 
SL-72H+S 7'2" / 218cm 151g  Fast MAX 50g  PE MAX 2.5    2 113cm 

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