

Heute Ruhetag
Spearhead Ryuki MCC4017 Mat AyuDuo Spearhead Ryuki MCC4017 Mat Ayu

Ryuki MCC4017 Mat Ayu - 50S

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Verfügbarkeit: Produkt nicht auf Lager

Hersteller: DUO
17,95 CHF
Spearhead Ryuki MCC4017 Mat Ayu 50S
Product Image Name Lager Preis Qty Preis inkl. MwSt.
Spearhead Ryuki MCC4017 Mat AyuRyuki MCC4017 Mat Ayu - 38S 0
17,95 CHF
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Spearhead Ryuki MCC4017 Mat AyuRyuki MCC4017 Mat Ayu - 45S 0
17,95 CHF
Benachrichtige mich
Spearhead Ryuki MCC4017 Mat AyuRyuki MCC4017 Mat Ayu - 50S 0
17,95 CHF
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Spearhead Ryuki MCC4017 Mat AyuRyuki MCC4017 Mat Ayu - 60S 5+
17,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Spearhead Ryuki MCC4017 Mat AyuRyuki MCC4017 Mat Ayu - 70S 5+
17,95 CHF
0,00 CHF
Spearhead Ryuki MCC4017 Mat AyuRyuki MCC4017 Mat Ayu - 80S 0
17,95 CHF
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Spearhead Ryuki MCC4017 Mat AyuRyuki MCC4017 Mat Ayu - 110S 1
21,10 CHF
0,00 CHF
Total Preis :
0,00 CHF

Spearhead Ryuki 50S

Color:    MCC4017 Mat Ayu

  • Size:       50mm
  • Weight:   4.5g
  • Diving:    0.4 ~ 0.8m

Final size in the Ryuki series preserving the appealing action
The flat yet heavy body creates a sharp action response for the heavy weight sinking minnow. Its action initiation is fast and is capable of staging consecutive twitching with rod work, within a short distance. It is also equipped with a high swimming performance able to deal with the ever complicating current of the main-river stream. Further, we have stabilized its flight posture realizing great casting distance and accuracy. You will be able to hit that sweet spot!!


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  • Rudolfstetten, CH

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