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Gamakatsu Drop Shot RedGamakatsu Drop Shot Red

Gamakatsu Drop Shot Red - #2

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Verfügbarkeit: Produkt nicht auf Lager

Hersteller: GAMAKATSU
7,00 CHF
7,00 CHF
Gamakatsu Drop Shot Red - #2
Product Image Name Lager Preis Qty Preis inkl. MwSt.
Gamakatsu Drop Shot RedGamakatsu Drop Shot Red - #1/0 0
7,00 CHF
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Gamakatsu Drop Shot RedGamakatsu Drop Shot Red - #2 0
7,00 CHF
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Gamakatsu Drop Shot RedGamakatsu Drop Shot Red - #4 0
7,00 CHF
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Total Preis :
0,00 CHF


Gamakatsu Drop Shot Red

Size: #2

Gamakatsu’s Split Shot/Drop Shot Hooks are the ultimate hook for nose hooking a Roboworm, small Gitzit, or any number of soft plastic drop shot baits. When it’s time to get serious about finesse fishing this hook will amaze you. Gamakatsu’s Split Shot/Drop Shot Hooks have the ideal shape and shaft length so you get the most out of your plastics cast-after-cast.

Hook Qty
#1/0 6
#2 6
#4 6


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