

Heute Ruhetag
Deps B-Custom, 25 AvocadoDeps B-Custom, 25 Avocado

B Custom 25, DW 1/2oz

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Délai de livraison: Produit pas en stock

Fournisseurs: DEPS
18,95 CHF
B Custom 25 Avocado, Double Willow, 1/2oz
B Custom 25, TW 3/8oz
Product Name Price Stock Qty
B Custom 25, TW 3/8oz
18,95 CHF
B Custom 25, DW 1/2oz
Product Name Price Stock Qty
B Custom 25, DW 1/2oz
18,95 CHF
0 Notify me
B Custom 25, TW 5/8oz
Product Name Price Stock Qty
B Custom 25, TW 5/8oz
18,95 CHF
B Custom 25, DW 5/8oz
Product Name Price Stock Qty
B Custom 25, DW 5/8oz
18,95 CHF
Total price with VAT :
0,00 CHF

Deps B Custom

Color:     25 Avocado

Weight:  1/2oz

Type:     DW, Double Willow

The B CUSTOM DW, where DW is the acronym for Double Willow, ie, it is available in variants weight from: 1 - 1/2 - 3/4 - 3/8 - 5/8oz. 

These results are proof of the study and research in the design that this brand performs in producing a product, the ability of the B Custom in long casts and effectiveness of attracting and induce some "monsters" to bite is unique.The measurement of large catches of bass increases every year, but this is also suitable bait to catch the smaller fish. The result is that B Custom is argued unanimously by all the greatest anglers into the hunt for larger prey.




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  • Rudolfstetten, CH

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