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Megabass ARMS Super Leggera ASL6401XSMegabass ARMS Super Leggera ASL6401XS

Megabass ARMS Super Leggera ASL6401XS

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Délai de livraison: Produit pas en stock

Fournisseurs: MEGABASS
1189,95 CHF
Megabass ARMS Super Leggera ASL6401XS, Full Coreplex Graphite Structure
Megabass Arms Super Leggera
Product Image Product Name Stock Price Qty Price with VAT
Megabass ARMS Super Leggera ASL6401XSMegabass ARMS Super Leggera ASL6401XS 0
1189,95 CHF
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1199,95 CHF
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Total price with VAT :
0,00 CHF

Megabass ARMS Super Leggera Spinning

It began with a next dream , Full Coreplex Graphite Structure

Model Länge Teile Gewicht Wurfgewicht Schnur Aktion
ASL 6401XS 6'4'' / 195cm  1 100g 1/32 - 1/8oz  2 - 7lb Extra Fast

ASL 6401XS

End Balancer Material: Marble Wood

Specialist of "eating" thoroughly extinct finesse game. The blanks of 6'4 "which increased the operability and sensitivity to the limitless limit to what it was like, are just ARMS. All sections from the bat to the tip are the extension of the arm to smoothly convey the intention of the angler and keep the lure underwater intact The ultimate rod, ASL 6401 XS, which overturns the common sense of the finesse rod opens the door of a new finesse game.


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